Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Question from the Audience

Will Jo and Slade make it? Or will the show cancel bc they completely stop talking? - Anonymous

T: Great question! Let's recap for our viewers who don’t know who Jo and Slade are. Jo and Slade originally appeared on Real Housewives of Orange County – a great piece of Reality TV in its own right. Slade is a rich, kinda slimy controlling fiancĂ©, and Jo was his kept fiancĂ©, who then decided she wanted to continue her single/partying ways. While sometimes uncomfortable to watch, it made for great TV! They broke up, and now have their own spinoff show. So now Slade is pimping out Jo – and I am not sure they aren’t hooking up on the side too.

R: Let's be honest, Jo is trying to get an album deal - therefore she's sleeping with anyone who is willing to produce her album and I believe Slade is top producer. Will their show get canceled? Nah, it'll run through its season. The real question, will it get picked up for a second season? My prediction - Jo gets her own Reality TV show of her trying to make it as an artist and Slade will end up dating a D list celebrity to get some news buzzing around him.

T: The basis of the show is their dysfunctional relationship. The more dysfunctional, the more air time they get. So will Jo and Slade the couple make it? Absolutely not. They get off on being mad at each other and then making up – always have. But will the show get cancelled because of it? Absolutely not! That is the whole show! Knowing their luck and talent at spinning their situations, they’ll probably get a 3rd show from it! Genius!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about this?

I mean is she even pretending to be Heff's girlfriend anymore?